Why is Adjust U different? Seven 5-star reasons to choose Adjust U as your adjuster education partner

At Adjust U, e do not use our students to build our brand. We use our brand to build our students. That is why they say what they say about us. They didn’t spend money or time at Adjust U; they invested them. And we invested in them. That investment is ongoing. It does not end when class is dismissed.
The Prospective Adjuster’s Checklist: 10 questions to answer before you commit to a career as an independent insurance claims adjuster

Who wants to be an independent insurance claims adjuster say yeah! So you want to become an independent insurance claims adjuster? But why? How do you determine whether claims adjusting […]
Why should I attend the 2024 Mid-America Catastrophe Services Claims Conference?

Perhaps this question is on your mind, or maybe I just put it there. At any rate, I am glad you asked. The 2024 Mid-America Catastrophe Services Claim Conference As […]
How do I become an excellent insurance claims adjuster?

Habits, whether good or bad, are hard to break. Entire industries are built on the desire and inability to kick old habits. What about good habits and their relationship to success? Read more…
How do I know if adjusting is right for me?

by Gene Strother, President of Adjust U Not long ago, I spoke to a class of claims-adjusting hopefuls. They were preparing to take the Texas All-Lines Adjuster Test that very […]
Ready, Set…Go! The Mid-America Catastrophe Services 2023 Readiness Guide for the CAT Adjuster

by Gene Strother, President of Adjust U I recently asked key members of the Mid-America Catastrophe Services executive, deployment, account management, and CAT teams to share their thoughts on the […]
Let’s hear it for the Betio Bastards! Or, what can the catastrophe adjuster learn from military slogans?

by Gene Strother, President of Adjust U There are few for whom I have more respect than soldiers. Those men and women who choose to put themselves to the test […]
Adjust U assists a corporate person’s transition to independent claims adjusting

Gene Strother, President of Adjust U We have talked before about the 5-star experience for the Adjust U learner. We have heard from students who have come to us at […]
7 Habits of Highly Effective Desk Claims Adjusters

by Gene Strother, President of Adjust U Stark differences exist between field adjusting and desk adjusting. To name a few: The differences in the two roles make for differing challenges […]
7 Habits of Highly Effective Field Claims Adjusters

by Gene Strother, President of Adjust U At Mid-America Catastrophe Services, we are privileged to work with some of America’s best field and desk claims adjusters. Our top performers work […]