Ready, Set…Go! The Mid-America Catastrophe Services 2023 Readiness Guide for the CAT Adjuster – Adjust U

by Gene Strother, President of Adjust U

I recently asked key members of the Mid-America Catastrophe Services executive, deployment, account management, and CAT teams to share their thoughts on the top five things each catastrophe adjuster should do to prep for hurricane season. Following are their responses.

Zack Meadows, Partner/CEO

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Robert Uhler, Executive Vice President

adjuster tools and cougar paws

Keith Craft, Director of Catastrophe Operations

Nicole Orso, Deployment Manager

Courtney Belletty, Inside Deployment Manager

Paul Griff, Senior Account Manager

Matt Meadows, Account Manager

A recap of the recurring themes

As you can see, some of the suggestions reverberate throughout the responses. The total list can be broken down as follows (listed in order of frequency mentioned by our staff):

  1. Have your licenses up to date, especially for the Coastal states. This is the only thing mentioned by all seven responders.
  2. Make sure your equipment and tools (Cougar Paws, ladder, etc) are sufficient and ready to go. This was mentioned five times.
  3. Deployment readiness and communication with Deployment Departments were mentioned four times.
  4. Three responders mentioned carrier certifications and in particular LPCIC and TWIA certifications.
  5. A good computer, fast and with lots of memory, and Internet access were mentioned three times.
  6. Make sure you have your Xactimate subscription. You can take care of that here and get the Mid-America discount.
  7. Make sure your vehicle is serviced and roadworthy.
  8. Be prepared to absorb at least a month’s worth of expenses at the beginning. Be financially prepared to go to work.
  9. Take care of medical appointments and needs.
  10. Review carrier guidelines. We put this information at your fingertips.
  11. Download carrier profiles to Xactimate.

Seneca, the great Roman senator and Stoic philosopher said, “Luck Is where opportunity meets preparation.”

Everybody knows, I suppose, that the motto of the Boy Scouts of America is “Be prepared.”

The motto was coined by the English soldier Robert Baden-Powell, the father of scouting.

When he was asked by a reporter in 1907 what scouts should be prepared for, he replied, “Why, for any old thing!”

Make your own luck this hurricane season. Be prepared for the opportunity that comes your way. And, by the way, if you need help getting ready, if you need to level up in Xactimate, Desk Adjusting, or claims-handling in general, or if you need to get your FAA drone license, mosey on over the Adjust U course list and prepare yourself for success!

To really stand out in a competitive industry like insurance claims adjusting, you have to be willing to go the extra mile, to work harder, and to train more vigorously than others. Adjust U exists to bring out the best in the insurance adjuster. We help you make your own luck.

Gene Strother, President of Adjust U