Putting the Puzzle Together
Other Courses
You are now an independent insurance claims adjuster. You have received your Independent Insurance adjuster license, completed Xactimate Training (Hopefully from Adjust U!)… so what is the next step?
One of the primary struggles an independent claims adjuster faces on their first deployment is putting everything together. A claim is much more than just the Xactimate estimate; it is a full package of documents you send the insurance carrier to justify the claim. This can include a Narrative (Sometimes referred to a GLR), Final Report (or First and Final), Billing (Either thru Xactimate or added documents), ITV (Insured to Value) Report, Photo Reports, and much more. In addition, the file must be documented throughout the life of a claim. If you do not document, it did not happen. When all of the above is successfully completed, you still must apply the estimate to policy. We can teach you how to do this efficiently and effectively.
This course will teach you how to package and send an insurance claim and will take the new independent claims adjuster through the process of writing and packaging a claim from A to Z, using the Xactimate Report Macro Function.
Xactimate Training provided in the course includes:
- Report Macros (Creating and Using)
- Importing Tokened Documents
- Importing/Exporting ESX files
This is a must-have class for the new and/or inexperienced independent insurance claims adjuster who wants to prepare for success for their first or next deployment or for the experienced adjuster that just wants to sharpen their skills.
If you have any questions about this course, reciprocity, licensing or anything related to insurance adjusting as a career, please contact us.